All things nonsensical

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The OC again, Challis?

Lets be honest, I love the OC. Probably you do too even if you are a little ashamed to admit it. I even take quizzes about which OC character I am. I'm pretty pumped to be Seth, even if its a little creepy that that qualifies me as a boy...

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I know there are other hidden individuals out there awaiting to figure out which OCer they are...because i've had requests. So ENJOY! (and post who you in the comments because i want to know too!)

The OC Quiz


Blogger Nance said...

You're gonna love this, Challis... I'm Ryan. So we're both male, and we're best friends. Awesome.

1:43 AM

Blogger Kjersti said...

I'm Ryan too! Amy, let's go on a punching spree.

2:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Challis,
I always knew you were a boy. Don't you remember in my dream one day you became a set of boy twins that were protecting me from evil accomplice Alicia? Speaking of boys, I have a boyfriend.
Love you,

2:56 PM


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