All things nonsensical

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Randomness of Summer

Over the past few days I have encountered Dan's friends from Winnipeg. They are on tour and I love the randomness of meeting people. Individuality abounds. They all stood out ridiculously amongst the cowboys and fat Saskatchewanians (not that I don't love cowboys...and fat people?) what with the tats, black clothes, penile defecting pants, and pho-hawks. I forgot how delicious differing provincial cultures are. During my encounter with these yahoos I got them on stage at Lydia’s within 10 mins (on a not open mike night. it was great), helped pick up girls for Mike, and went to the indian casino and played rootlet. I miss traveling.

I am now going to promote their hot music. Jeff’s sweet tunes are thus:

and Lives of Many:

Friday, May 26, 2006


I love this new commercial!

(Ahhh...the true nerdy marketing student comes out yet again.)


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

S---stands for sweet amounts of sun tanning at the river
U---stands for underwear (wearing them in the house cause we don't have airconditioning
M---stands for money, that I'm not making much of
M---stands for MONOPOLY!
B---(it's silent) stands for Banana Daquiris
E---stands for escapades (there will be many...I play with Andrea allot)
R---stands for random events, such as UPS men, arbarite, and hot dogs!

Saturday, May 13, 2006


So the other night some of us decided we should have a drama free evening. So over came the troops and some board games--a little yatzee was played but the main event of the evening was MONOPOLY! I don't know if you've ever seen a troop of surgeons play "operation," but I image it would look allot like a group of commerce students playing monopoly. Lets not lie about it, the nerdiness was TOTALLY unavoidable. There were joint ventures, dividend payments, free rent agreements, and of course a whole lot of back room meetings (I'm not joking here people, we actually left the room to discuss our deals!) It was like--Monopoly meets Survivor meets the Apprentice.

Pathetic, yet entertaining

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Texan

Wow, I was sent this by my aunt and my father. Not going to lie to you, this dudes laughter is contagious. It's a voice mail message from some dude in the states who witnessed a car accident with four little old ladies. What with the Texan drawl and the involvment of the Bible on a whole new level, i'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy it.