Over the past few days I have encountered Dan's friends from
Winnipeg. They are on tour and I love the randomness of meeting people. Individuality abounds. They all stood out ridiculously amongst the cowboys and fat Saskatchewanians (not that I don't love cowboys...and fat people?) what with the tats, black clothes, penile defecting pants, and pho-hawks. I forgot how delicious differing provincial cultures are. During my encounter with these yahoos I got them on stage at
Lydia’s within 10 mins (on a not open mike night. it was great), helped pick up girls for Mike, and went to the indian casino and played rootlet. I miss traveling.
I am now going to promote their hot music. Jeff’s sweet tunes are thus:
and Lives of Many:
Challis, I think you need to introduce me to your new friends when I get back to Saskatoon.
(Only 9 more days!)
12:48 PM
Chally... It happened like I told you it would. So maybe in one million years when my heart isn't broken, let's go find some hot boys. Amen.
9:32 PM
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