The Midway
I love random fun. Fairs are definatly such things. So the midway came to saskatoon and Bedouin Soundclash were playing last night and Amy, Arms, Dan, and I decide to attend. Such a fantastic show! They have definatly been the summer music Jack Johnson was for me last summer. Anyways, after the show we start walking around playing stuff. As I'm going again all day today, we didn't hit up the rides but played the games and ate instead. I can't even believe how much random fun I had. I guess its all about the people you are with...or maybe I was finally in a good mood again after having completed my last day of work. Ok, a recap of the best events:
1) Arms' repeated betting on "Larry" in the horse races. He did not win.
2) Watching a 7 year old play a hockey game right before Dan and complete everything perfectly...thus making Dan exceedingly nervous.
3) Eating Cotton Candy, elephant ears, and mini donuts but stopping right before the corn dog (eww).
4) Asking Dan to win me a stuffed animal...and then watching Amy win one for me instead (thanks again for Tuffy McOne Eye m'girl!). Oh! and then I won a carebare for myself! Who needs boys.
5) Playing in the 1950's section of toys. These included a photo booth (i found a left over set with a lonely looking man who didn't smile), love tests (i'm affectionate), those old arm wrestling things (i didn't touch that germy one), and of course "electronic palm reading" (way to go obvious statements on that one).
It never ceases to amaze me how I never get tired of acting like a kid. Boourns on all of you who say I have to grow up.