All things nonsensical

Thursday, December 28, 2006

To home or not to home?

This month long break at home has been totally lovely. Usually I go into town on a regular basis to visit with friends at night, and stick at home during the days to see family. This year however, no one has really been in town to visit, so tonight was my first busting outage in the hat. We, as usual, went over to Linds' house. She totally got a new pool table so that was hot. It was great to hang out with everyone, but as I did I realised once again that if I move back to town upon graduating, no one else will really be home that I know. Almost all of my friends are still in school in other towns or are getting married and settling down far far away from the hat. This is kinda depressing, as I'll be moving home to no one. My sister and I, however, are still troopers and are planning on coming back. So we made a list of pro's and con's to living in the the great metropolis.

1) No new adventure (as I want to eventually settle down here, it stresses the shit out of me that I might not move again after this.)
2) Leaving friends (I finally made myself a home after moving annually for like, 5 years in a row, so this is really tragic. I love the s town)
3) Not living in a big city anymore. (Not allot of shopping/resteraunts/entertainment)

Ok, but there is some hope

1) Good living options (Meghan and I already found fantastic apartments!!)
2) Cowboys
3) Networking (lame, I know, but seriously business is 90% who you know I've been told...and I know lots of people here!)
4) Christian community
5) No Saskatchewan taxes
6) Can wear wigs (this is way too long of a story)
7) Cheap rent
8) Good arts scene (yazz music, new martini bar)
9) Farmboys
10) Mom and Dad live close (hello hot tubbing and horse rides)
11) Weather (I haven't worn a jacket since I've been home)
12) Close to mountains (fun for weekend road trips)
13) Likely to suceed here (not an impossible feat, as it might seem in somewhere like calgary)

So, in conclusion, I think I could seriously handle living here. Plus, I just have to remind myself that there are cool people where ever I go.

Ok, so also, I hung out with a couple happy couples tonight, and i'm seriously so happy for them, and they are some of my bestest friends, but it kinda kills me to see these girls with these amazing guys I know they'll all live happily ever after with. I'm nothing but glad for them, but I hate to say it still depresses me. I would claim non-jealousy, but I know some smart ass would call me on I'll just go analogy which I will make up on the spot. Its like when you went to the waterslides as a kid, and you were all set to go on the BEST slide in the park. And you'd put your bathingsuit on and you'd been pumped for the slide all week thinking about it and you'd climed all those concrete stairs to get to the top of the hill and you'd fallen down a couple times and your knees were bleeding but you'd been strong and kept on trucking to the top but once you got there your stomach dropped a little. You see this sign, and this clown is painted on and he's holding his hand out horizontal. And you know you've hit your ultimate test. The height test. You can't cheat this one, you've either measured up or not. So you stand underneath and hold your breath, but the lifegaurd shakes his head at you. And you have to watch all your best friends give you these pathetically consoling looks but the minute they look away they have these huge smiles on their face because they ARE tall enough and are fully ready to run at that slide and take off, and you don't berudge them because you're stoked at least they get the enjoyment of the slide as you walk yourself back down those bloody concrete steps.

That right there is kinda how I feel. Pathetic. And if I didn't let myself mope the rare occasion I do, I'm sure I'd be a hell of allot cooler, although less true to myself.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Christmas shopping on the 23rd of December was an unwise idea. We did see a "who" baby in Starbucks however. Seriously, like the Grinch was around the corner. Little who-baby had a pho-hawk and Christmas clothes on and she was so cute. Meghan! Make me a baby! And make it a who-baby while you're at it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Elkwater Hutterite Colony

Hello dear friends and new readers. I want you to know that my blog truly holds up to its name--"random."

I recently posted some insensitive comments about a family from the Elkwater Hutterite Colony. It was totally stupid of me to have written names and places and I am so sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. I hope that anyone else who read that posting and may have been offended by it will forgive me as well.

Cheerio and Merry Christmas folks!

Monday, December 18, 2006


I felt as though the time of year had come to celebrate Christmas. However, not everyone celebrates the season in good taste, and who doesn't like to laugh at those kitschy folks?!? So follows all things Kitschmas. Please add any things blessfully kitschy that I may have left out.

1. Kitschmas
. The celebration of all things of poor taste and poor quality associated with the festive season.

Here we have a regular old santa. Nothing dreadfully kitschy about him...but with him accumulates much kitschness.

See here! Santa has transformed into a dreadful ceramic mug! Mommy mommy, where's santa's hat? brain? jolly christmas spirit?

Of course next to follow ceramic santa is creepy kitschy Christmas elves...might I even call them gnomes?

And what do these gnomey-elves do you ask? well they decorate trees with lovely kitschy decorations such as these painted ski-google ornaments (purchasable on ebay..I think even the gnome-elves have realised how bad these ones are).

If, however, one cannot afford even the kitschiest of ornaments, you can always go the university/white trash route and decorate with empties (avoid glass bottles as they can drag tree branches down and/or smash on your unwashed floor).

ANNNND last but certainally not least, a kitschy christmas would totally fail without some sort of sacrilege. See Christmas Donkeys. Now, these are not just any christmas donkeys, they are found in Jerusalem...representing the donkey Christ rode into town...all decked out in kitschy holiday gear...including santa hats (I told you he'd come back to kitchily bite us in the ass).

And now my friends, your kitschey christmas is complete. Keep your eyes out for treasures like these this season and it's sure to be brightened.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The truth comes out

I may or may not have been hiding this from you all for a while....mostly cause I promised Dad no more kittens. But Hillery was so sad looking and the kitten oh so cute, I just couldn't say no. To be fair, its all her cat dad....and although 1/8th the size of whitey is currently putting up a good fight against Whitey's death attempts. Here's a few shots with Walter (oh yes...his name is Walter) out of one of Whitey's headlocks.