All things nonsensical

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The truth comes out

I may or may not have been hiding this from you all for a while....mostly cause I promised Dad no more kittens. But Hillery was so sad looking and the kitten oh so cute, I just couldn't say no. To be fair, its all her cat dad....and although 1/8th the size of whitey is currently putting up a good fight against Whitey's death attempts. Here's a few shots with Walter (oh yes...his name is Walter) out of one of Whitey's headlocks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cat in the last picture is clearly trying to escape from the 20$ bill.


2:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That cat better not have any balls.

3:20 PM

Blogger Nance said...

Challis! He's running away from money! YOU HAVE A SOCIALIST CAT!!!

Perhaps you should change his name to Walter Marx. Or better yet, Walter (Tommy) Douglas.

6:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. - I really like that your tree has no decorations. I sense it will not have any for a while, or that it was decorated and the cats undecorated it.


7:07 AM

Blogger Kjersti said...


7:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a kitty. Also, best quote of the day...

"That cat better not have any balls."

5:41 PM


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