All things nonsensical

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Lets talk about OPAs. So they just opened this new Greek fast food restaurant in Saskatoon, and as a friend poignantly put it I have been "railing the shit out of that place." It's been like, 3 times a week, wreaking like garlic action over here people. Somebody get me a support group.

Peace out


Blogger Carla said...

Hello Challis,
Maybe if I would of known about your "OPA" find I would of told you much much sooner that it has been open for awhile..Miss seeing you around

2:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha. As always, Chally, you have such a... poignant way of expressing yourself. Tasteful, some might also say. Ha ha. We better fricken hang out soon.

3:56 PM


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