All things nonsensical

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This is my rant. People can be horrible and spiteful and I have decided that I don't have to like it. This is not me saying that I will now refuse to let people into my life or make them earn my respect/trust, but for the love of all that is good. Am I so easy to walk all over? Am I wearing a sign that says "fuck with me, I won't fight back"?? I don't think that I'm such a push over, I just don't like conflict.

100 points to all of you out there who are cool and kind. I love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you hate me? Did I Kitlifier you?


3:41 PM

Blogger Kjersti said...

I love you with all my heart, Challis. Where are you? I want to see you again.
(This seems to be a major theme of ours when we're commenting on each other's posts.)

3:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I have 200 points? I wrote a blog today.

5:03 PM

Blogger Carla said...

Hey Callis,
I love you for you and I would never walk all over you! I love your sence of humour!!! PEACE OUT LOL

5:57 PM


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