All things nonsensical

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I'm pretty sure the best date ever would be with Will Ferrel. He's so freaking funny!! Could you please imagine with me what you'd do on a date with him...common...i know you love him too! Give me some suggestions.

Just finished watching "Bewitched" and it was SUPREME! highly recommended.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Abs 'r dan

Abreviations are dangerous! Driving home tonight a sign read "CONST AHEAD" to which i though "constapation ahead! That does sound alarming."

Where's the damn Tim Horton's coffee when you need it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Challigator

As I can't afford an alligator purse, I thought I'd try to make myself into such a stylish handbag. Currently just the shoulders are in a state of disarray...but once the redness, blisters, and peeling stops I figure I'll be worth quite a bit. Plus the Challigator bag comes with personal witty remarks, legs, arms, and you're choice of color (white in the winter, red in early summer, and browner in the fall). The Challigator bag is actually still alive, and although you can't put anything in it, she just holds everything for you. Get yours today for $1378.95!

(Am I actually selling myself on the internet for a little over a grand?!?! What buffoonery!)

Monday, June 20, 2005

The Frenchmen River Valley Gospel Music Jamboree and the thoughts of the day

This past weekend I attended the Frenchmen River Valley Gospel Music Jamboree! It was rather amazing...not just because it didn't rain (a usual occurance at this yearly event) but because of those who attended. Roughly 70% of the people were over 70. The other individuals included dirty (but cute) kids, locals, and 7 people my age. Meghan and I were fully appreciating the cowboys, gun jokes, and multiple confederate flags.

There comes several occasions in every persons life when they sort the smart from the stupid in their lives, or more filter out the useful actions and ways of thinking from the pointless. You turn on the jazz music, open up your stuffy apartment windows, let in the summer air, and appreciate what you've got. And all of a sudden you come to know you're a day older--and that that's a good thing.

Dreams are great because they don't always come true--instead they change. Think of the horror if every little girl became a ballerina...we'd have an unfortunate amount of overweight dancers in Saskatchewan for one thing, we'd also have no nurses, teachers, or fantastic business owners.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mr Robotic

As my views on politics aren't exactly PC, I enjoyed this joke sent from a friend and wanted to pass it on.

A popular bar had a new robotic bartender installed. A fellow came in for a drink and the robot asked him, "What's your I.Q.?"

The man replied, "150."

The robot then proceeded to make conversation about Quantum physics, string theory, atomic chemistry and so on.

The man listened intently and thought, "This is really cool." The man decided to test the robot. He walked out of the bar, turned around, and came back in for another drink.

Again the robot asked him, "What's your I.Q.?"

The man responded, "100." So the robot started talking about football, baseball, and so on. The man thought to himself, "Wow, this is really cool."

The man went out and came back in a third time. As before the robot asked him, "What's your I.Q.?"

The man replied, "50."

The robot then said, "So, you gonna vote Liberal again?"

The move is complete!! I finally have internet again...and 200 channels of sweet sweet cable. I'm on my way (once again) to work, but I have one story before I go. Today in the kitchen one of the dish washers walked in, he's a little creepy most of the time anyway, but today took the cake. He normally wears those tight black leggings you'd wear under ski pants in the early 90s. They're UBER sketchy, but he hides any uncomfortable bulges with his apron. Problem solved. Today however he walks in in his street cloths. Can you say "AHHHHHH!" He was sporting some seriously CREEPY shorty shorts! That's right, cut off jean shorty shorts!

I was blushing for him.