All things nonsensical

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I have mono. What the hell! Remember the time I was sick for a month and couldn't stop sleeping and everyone kept asking "do you think you might have mono?" and my beautifully stuborn reply was always "no" or "maybe, but who cares." Indeed. Remember the other time that i poked my self really hard in the spleen and was bustled off to the er for 3 hours in case i ruptured it? Another good time.

So to all this I say, hey everyone I'm fine! And thanks to those amazing people in my life who care enought to make me go to the doctor or sit and wait in the hospital with me for extended hours.

I think another main concern that must be addressed is "how did i get mono?" Keep your suggestions clean as my dad reads this, but I think some HEXcellent mocking is needed.


1) Making out with Jeff
2) Drinking out of someone elses glass
3) eating off of dirty plates at work (this has never happened)
4) licking door handles

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This is my rant. People can be horrible and spiteful and I have decided that I don't have to like it. This is not me saying that I will now refuse to let people into my life or make them earn my respect/trust, but for the love of all that is good. Am I so easy to walk all over? Am I wearing a sign that says "fuck with me, I won't fight back"?? I don't think that I'm such a push over, I just don't like conflict.

100 points to all of you out there who are cool and kind. I love you.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Nazi Cats

My sister is likely going to hell just for finding this site in the first place. Possibly the best link ever found!

For all you lazy shmucks who I know will be too boring to check it out, I will post some of the best so called "kitlers"

baby kitler

Skinny kitler

Attentive Kitler

Obese Kitler

Gay kitler?

Toupee Kitler

Best Kitler EVER!
(Who the hell takes there cat to a photo place (i'm thinking walmart forsure...maybe Sears) with a nazi cross collar and a mini nazi hat? FANTASTIC!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


My family are a crazy bunch of lovable goons. Prime example = the fact that we roasted an entire pig yesterday on our holidays. A 50lb, whole pig. It took 5 hours. Uncle John yelled "PUSH" and "TURN" and "SLOWER" allot. Numerous comments were made regarding suntanning Hillery and Challis in comparison to roasting Piggy. There is roughly 40lb of pork leftovers in the fridge.

Go go Gadget family holidays.

Uncle John making the pork stabbing device. Uncle Ben overseeing as only a U of S commerce grad could.

This is where the "PUSH" and "TURN" yelling came into play. Please note blind Grandma in the thick of the fun.

Hillery's turn at the 5 hour manual hand turning

A scene to make those not on my holidays jealous

I am so wonderfully creepy. How does everyone put up with it?