Bonsai Kitten
I received an angry forward from a university student today. I usually just delete such hogwash, but this one caught my eye. The "Bonsai Kitten" website has thoroughly engrossed my attention for the past half an hour. Hillery simply laughed at me and told me the site was a joke (which I'm almost sure it is--but my love for kittens makes me worry a bit). Check 'er out!
You'll note there are no "after" pictures displayed...which makes the squished in the bottle cat faces just amusing. I wanted to point out a few of my favorite comments:
Months ago, you have masterfully shaped my kitten into a trapezoid; however, now, the 45-degree angle on the tail side is weakening, making her more of a rhombus than anything. Although, I could reinforce the front side with the angular clamps you sell, I'm afraid she might turn out to be a parallelogram. Any tips?
We would be happy to surgically restore the crisp angles to your cherished pet. In fact, you may have forgotten that we provide a lifetime warranty on the shape of your Bonsai Kitten. Please, pack the Kitten into the shipping container that we will send to you via special express, and we will contact you shortly with a time estimate for the repairs.
(I personally enjoy the terminology...sounds like someone just completed their grade 10 geometry class!)
From: "Rust Burn"
Your site has been reported to the United States Department of Agriculture and The Humane Society. I suggest your site be remove immediately and not repeated elsewhere. Your site has been copied entirely for further actions should they occur.
Dear Rust,
We wish to assure you that we have all the appropriate Bonsai Kitticulture permits required for this simple and painless procedure. We do not understand what you are flagellating about. And we doubt that Rust is your real name. Also, common law copyright exists on these web pages, and we warn you to destroy the illegal copies that you admit to have made or you will face prosecution for stealing our creative property.
(Here they mock the guys name, and turn threats on him. enjoyable!)My third and favorite comment was too rude to post and rather offensive, but the site is funny! Take a look and tell me if i should stop laughing at this "cruelty"???
You know, their FAQ section does mention the site's a farce.
-yr bro, who forgot his password.
6:31 AM
I definitely want to meet my nieces (or is it nephews? or one of each?) How's the dislodged intestine thing working out?
12:13 AM
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