All things nonsensical

Thursday, August 04, 2005

drawing the line

Sometimes it's interesting to "suppose" yourself into--and out of--a situation. "What would you do if..." games are always entertaining. "Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?" or "What would you do with a million dollars?" or "Would you sell your spleen on the black market if you had no other way to feed your family?" are all interesting theories to "suppose" upon. But there comes a place, my friends, where theory becomes reality and the line must be drawn. I have wisely been taught not necessarily to hide my beauty if it can help me out in a situation. I've applied this rule to serving, as pretty hair and a giggle can make a 5% tip rocket to a 25% tip if one's waiting on boys............but girls? That's right people! A chick was hitting on me today in the restaurant and I was NOT ok with it!

Scene: BPs restaurant.
Time 12:30AM.
Cast: me, man manager, and lesbian girl.

me: "can I get you guys a table?"
lesbian girl: "that man was helping us, but you can instead cause you're hotter"
me: ".....riiiiiiiiiiiiiight....(uncomfortable laughter)"

Here's the line, here's the line being drawn.


Blogger Kjersti said...

Probably the most awkward situation I could ever imagine...I feel for you.

3:04 PM

Blogger Challis said...

I tried to purchase some mace from an "outdoors" store here in town, but made the mistake of not claiming it to "protect myself from bears" so they wouldn't sell it to me. (Who the hell would try to spray a bear in the eyes with a little can while being attact by it? I ask you!)

8:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call, wrong gender.

8:29 PM


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