All things nonsensical

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Don't pretend you don't remember him! He was the heartthrob of every 10 year old! All that hair, those cute cheeks and mischievous ways. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was DA BOMB! The thought of this long lost hotty kid actor brought to mind a letter I attempted to write to JTT under the guidance of my much wiser and younger cousin, Hillery. It also brought to mind how I knew only 2 things when I was 10: the love and my family and the love of God. As I knew JTT didn't know my family (and thus I couldn't talk about them) the letter read something like this. The ( ) are my feelings on the letter today.

Dear Jonathan Taylor Thomas, (perhaps I put simply John, to initiate familiarity)
I think you are a really good actor. I love watching "Home Improvements" all the time.(being too shy to tell him how hot i thought he was i next wrote) Do you know God? He can forgive all sins. If you'd like to know more about him you should write me back and I can tell you all about him.(note my method of getting him to write me back, sheer bribery in the form of Christianity! Had I no shame?!)

Sincerely, (not wanting to appear too enamored)

I would like to say I never actually sent this letter...I wonder if JTT is a Christian? Maybe I should send this letter now.


Blogger Kjersti said...

You were an awesome kid with great intentions...and you still are!

9:03 PM


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