All things nonsensical

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


After many debates surrounding the word "COY", I decided it was time to do some serious researching, aka: google (Also, i had to post cause cara started to threaten me). So here we have it, the definitions of COY.

Definitions of coy on the Web:

  • affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
  • showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement; "a politician coy about his intentions"
  • modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures; "like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled"
  • A sub unit of a Battalion. Four Companies make up a Battalion. (This changed to three towards the end of the war.
  • But you will also find that it IS indeed a fish. A coy fish. How do I know this? I know this because I watch too much "miami ink" on TLC and people always ask for coy fish tats. If this in and of itself is not enough proof, here is a picture of a coy fish

    And here is a picture of a COD fish (much different)

    And here is a picture I found while looking for pictures of COY fish. It is entitled
    "Q Coy Swim Team Cyprus '90"

    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    more pics?

    As i'm way to busy/sleep deprived to write anything, heres some pictures of st pats.

    here we have challis and andrea sporting some very classy st pats shirts.
    Challis'="IRISH CAP-EE-TAN"
    Andrea's="ROCK MY SHAM"

    Challis and Mal partaking in the oldest of old beer (please note, my beer doesn't have enough food coloring in it and simply turned a putrice, piss-color. It still tasted good).

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Dr. Phil was interupted yesterday by a "BEEEEEEP" followed by some white writing on the bottom of the screne saying "ATTENTION: city of saskatoon, rosetown, melfort, melville, gull lake, maple creek, cypress hills, swift current, leader, piapot, elbow, eyebrow, nose hair..." Hillery and I looked at eachother and thought "golly gee! what's happening" and the message continued "Freezing rain."

    WELL! That's boring we decided, and continued making cupcakes forgetting all about it...until this morning that is.

    Challis steps out of her house into a snowbank, grabs the morning paper, and thinks "why is the snow crunchy?"
    Challis then thinks "why am i getting wet?"
    Challis then proceeds to step onto the sidewalk and fall flat on her ass (possibly damaging her tailbone for life)
    The people waiting for the bus burst into laughter
    Challis blushes.

    Moral of the story: always listen to Dr. Phil and everything surrounding him.

    Saturday, March 04, 2006

    Alex, Mallory, and I wanted to write a posting...but we can't really think of anything apprpriate to write about. So we will write on our expertise, that being how to pick out a good guy. Here's the top 4 requirements:

    1) He must be humorous, so you should probably pick him up at the Yuk Yuks comedy club...or on the street.
    2) He must be HOTTY HOT HOT HOT, so look for a man on the farm (As they have nice muscles that are not fake gym muscles) OR on the street.
    3) He must treat you like a queen, therefore he obviously has to make alot of cash and willing to give over complete control to you. Look for this gem at cougar bars, the green chairs at starbucks, or (obviously) on the street.
    4) He must be able to play the guitar while wearing a cowboy hat (or just hold a guitar actually). See Brad Paisley as an example. These boys can once again be found on the farm, or street
    5) In conclusion, we really like farm boys...or greasy street men. Both are acceptable and applications can be submitted on the comment board. So bust it out.