All things nonsensical

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dr. Phil was interupted yesterday by a "BEEEEEEP" followed by some white writing on the bottom of the screne saying "ATTENTION: city of saskatoon, rosetown, melfort, melville, gull lake, maple creek, cypress hills, swift current, leader, piapot, elbow, eyebrow, nose hair..." Hillery and I looked at eachother and thought "golly gee! what's happening" and the message continued "Freezing rain."

WELL! That's boring we decided, and continued making cupcakes forgetting all about it...until this morning that is.

Challis steps out of her house into a snowbank, grabs the morning paper, and thinks "why is the snow crunchy?"
Challis then thinks "why am i getting wet?"
Challis then proceeds to step onto the sidewalk and fall flat on her ass (possibly damaging her tailbone for life)
The people waiting for the bus burst into laughter
Challis blushes.

Moral of the story: always listen to Dr. Phil and everything surrounding him.


Blogger Jasmine said...

oh. trust doctor phil? let's not over-react.

Can I come visit you on St.Pat's day?

7:17 PM


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