All things nonsensical

Monday, February 20, 2006


What is lanolin? What can you do with it? and why is it so fun to say? I can't answer that last question, but i've got a good grasp on the rest of the questions after a measly 3 minutes googling.

The definition:
Lanolin, also called wool wax, wool fat, or wool grease, a greasy yellow substance from wool-bearing animals, acts as a skin ointment, water-proofing wax, and raw material (such as in shoe polish).

Some Discriptive Pictures:

Here's a little sheep! This is where all the goodness of Lanolin flows. (cute hey?)

Here's some Lanolin after the baby sheep's been slaughtered and boiled. JJ. They don't kill baby sheep, just shave 'em down so they're all cold and shaky and then extract some creepy yellow shit called "LANOLIN"

And this here is an example of the final product. CAREFUL THOUGH (I don't know why)

The Quote:
My fasination with LANOLIN all started with my favorite movie ever...Anchorman. Ron says at one point:

"How are you? You look awfully nice tonight. Hmm? Maybe don't wear a bra next time. No, I was talking to you. No, not her. I don't know her name. What is it? Lanolin? La-lanolin, like-- like sheep's wool."

To hear this infamous clip, just click below and melt into the oh-so-mellow-goodness of Papa Burgundy's voice.

Ron Burgundy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are by far the creepiest...CAREFUL THOUGH!


10:50 AM

Blogger Nance said...

I love how you give and take "creepy" as a quasi-compliment.

2:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't check your blog for a weekend and I come back to gold like this. I love you chally.

9:13 PM


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