All things nonsensical

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Couldn't sleep, so decided to bless you all with some pictures off the internet (not the dirty kind). Here are some decidedly odd pictures.

This guy here is spelling ODD in sign language (or is just trying to scoop a fly out of the air).

And here we have a YARN burger (tastey!)

The creepy blue spot was entitled "DR. CHALLIS" which I found amusing...the doctor is in.

And his little fellas name is "pooduck." And I'm pretty sure that's all I need to say about him.

And here we have Jesus blessing a semi. Don't pretend this isn't a beautiful velvent piece of art...because it isn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm quite partial to the yarn burger, dr challis


8:30 PM

Blogger Nance said...

Challis, you make my day. My week, even. Maybe my year.

11:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the blue drawing. I am now going to refer to you as Dr. Challis from now on.

12:26 PM


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