All things nonsensical

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So, pretty sure I have allot of good xmas stories, but I'm going to hit you with a cat one, because its funny, offensive, and funny. Pedro got de-balled this Christmas, but not by a real vet (cause that's WAY too expensive, like, 25$ per ball), but the deed was done by my Dad. He's done it lots before, an experienced rancher. So my cousin and him get Pedro all wrapped up, do the deed, and look for the left overs. But they can't find the balls! Decision=Doug, Pedro's brother, ate them. Shocked and horrified (and laughing), they leave Pedro to lick his wounds (quite literally). However, upon closer inspection today, Dad and I find that Pedro may have lost one ball, but the other was soundly intact. That's right, a botched castration. How'd you like them apples? My question? Will this still stop the incesent humping? I'll be sure to let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are going to get me put in jail. And I only said he "might" still have one, bring them damn cats back in three months because I do warranty work. You know who.

3:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, my little tax deduction, we will see how well you keep count of the left overs when the subject is trying to pee in your eye. Granted I should be able to count to two but my assistant the Commerce Accounting student said he counted two. Next time I get the Historic Theology Masters assistant. "altough the cat may step on him.

3:42 PM

Blogger Challis said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that folks, is the funniest man in the world...his vet skills may be lacking, but his humor reigns supreme!

9:27 PM


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