All things nonsensical

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Too early

Once there was a little boy (looks about 17 years old), who presumably attended the University of Saskatchewan. To glance at him, you'd assume he was a 1st year student, moderatly dazed from the continual parties and still clinging to those good old values his parents instilled in him like: wearing clean underwear, attending church every sunday morning, and cleaning behind his ears.

Apperances lie.

I stand in a long line up on campus for Tim Hortons coffee every morning and often meet see this boy in line. Creepily enough he has a different girl with him everytime and he uses this "line standing time" to the best of his abilities. A.K.A. he makes out with girls in the Tim Hortons line up!!!! I'm not even joking! Who the hell wants to make out at 9:30AM before you've even got your coffee! How did such a nice looking little boy get so creepy?

Side note, if you also are in the habit of making out in coffee line ups before 12noon. Please stop for the sake of us with warbily stomachs before lunchtime.


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