All things nonsensical

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Crazies

I saw a girl listen to a poinsettia yesterday. I'm not joking, I thought long and hard over this one and the only explaintion for sticking her ear right up to the flower, was to listen to it. She then looked at it with admiration, plucked a few dead leaves off (in a 'mother-grooming' manner) and departed.

Just thought I'd share.


Blogger Kjersti said...

SWEETHEART!! Thank you for the cookies and treats...we've pretty much already eaten most of them.

11:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's very odd...

tell andrea i await her next entry...


12:22 PM

Blogger Challis said...

who are you anonymous?

12:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my identity? that might have to remain a mystery...

one of the thirty ghosts of your christmas past perhaps???

10:23 PM


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