All things nonsensical

Monday, February 27, 2006

Rrrrroll up the Rrrrrim!

You know that the BEST time of year is here? That's right! Roll up the Rim month at Tim Hortons! Excitment abounds! Not only that, but March also holds St. Patricks day (my favorite holiday) and my birthday! So rejoice, because March is almost here.


Blogger Jasmine said...

Roll up the Rim is what gets a person through winter. Just knowing that cheery red cup with the yellow arrow that carries in it so much vain hope of riches is waiting for you at the end of Feb. makes chipping ice off windshields, frostbitten apendages, and having to pack away you stilettos just so so worth it.

11:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate roll up the rim to win. Because all I ever win is "Sorry, Please Play Again". Boooo, Mr. Horton, Booooo.

But your birthday is pretty cool. And welcome to the waiting bench. Ha ha.

4:21 PM


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