All things nonsensical

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

more pics?

As i'm way to busy/sleep deprived to write anything, heres some pictures of st pats.

here we have challis and andrea sporting some very classy st pats shirts.
Andrea's="ROCK MY SHAM"

Challis and Mal partaking in the oldest of old beer (please note, my beer doesn't have enough food coloring in it and simply turned a putrice, piss-color. It still tasted good).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

challis, you are one hot irish cap -ee- tan.


10:55 PM

Blogger Nance said...

Hot shirts, ladies.

10:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pictures don't count. I want some gut busting funny stuff. Or I am not going to talk to you anymore.

But no pressure.

9:16 AM


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