All things nonsensical

Thursday, April 21, 2005

of dreams and dogs deaths

I've decided to tell you my latest dream so you should all feel special. A bunch of us were driving around in my car and people started getting annoying. Stefan was there, he was the most annoying, so I kicked him out of my car and made him walk. Also Paul was there (which is kinda creepy as i've only met him once) he was doing drugs, cocaine to be exact, so i also kicked him out of my car.

Ben was not there saying "DONE" as that was Britts dream.

New ways to kill Spencer, the dog living upstairs.
#54) Get shot gun. Aim at ceiling. Shoot.
#55) Stab Spencer with a needle infected with HIV


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that bit with the HIV needle is somewhat sketchy, Chally. And also the cocaine. What did you eat before you went to bed? Ha ha.

10:06 PM

Blogger Challis said...

pickles and ice cream

3:38 PM


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