All things nonsensical

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Hunt

Apartment shopping is like going on a safari. First the individuals involved dress up in ridiculous outfits (creepy tan colored shorty shorts and hats/dress clothes to impress renters or rentees). Everyone looking bundles into a jeep and sets off in hope of spotting the prized animal (lion/hot apartment). If one of the individuals in the jeep is lucky enough to see the leopard sleeping in the tree/the nicest and cheapest apartment in town, they try not to scream and wake the leopard/let other seekers compete for the hot apartment they found. This strange phenomenon continues for hours, days, weeks, and for the brave at heart, even months. The other aspect is the people trying to sell the safari/apartment. "The trip to the Krugar National Park is definitely the nicest, lots of leg room in the plane, 600 count sheets in your hotel, and a guarantee of 7 different species to be spotted on the actual safari." vs. the apartment pusher "New carpets, fresh paint, 2 WHOLE windows, fire extinguisher, hot plate, and air."

Its a jungle out there either way people!


Blogger Challis said...

ty, I soooooooo emailed it to you. what's up with that! I was fully wondering why you didn't love me anymore to comment! Hey, whats your live journal again???

8:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you had an apartment? Ha ha

11:44 PM


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