All things nonsensical

Friday, May 06, 2005

Things at Night I Don't Like

1) Waitresses who call you: Hun, Babe, Sweetie, or any version thereof.
2) Itchy alergy eyes
3) Killing ignorant mice on the highway (sorry Stewart Little!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100 percent about the waitresses. I am not dating you, and I am not your child, so don't call me honey and or sweetie. If you would like to call me by something, ask me what my flipping name is. That is all.

3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor bitch!
I love you greatly though and I won't leave that comment anonymous, this is Lindsey. Now that makes more sense doesn't it. Could you imagine really being called a bitch? Wow, that would suck.

7:34 PM


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