I wanted to describe the people in my newest work place and I thought I should do it now, before I get sick of work and don't want to think about it anymore. There is a definite hierarchy at the restaurant...I figure because I'm aware of it, and laugh at it, I'm not in it. A non-partial individual, ready to label people (as I'm rather fabulous at doing).
1) Sharon--"The Bitch." Every workplace needs someone that is wholly offensive, bossy, and down-right mean. "The Bitch's" are the starting point for most hierarchy's as staff unite best over common bonds...hatred of over-aged waitress' being the most effective.
2) Rick--"The Floater." As my sister has duly noted, managers are like floating jelly-fish that never actually do anything. They meander about trying to look important so that no one can tell their job is pointless and the money that pays them should be given to feed the starving children of Africa.
3) George--"The Guy Whose Ties are Always 3 Shades Darker Then His Dress Shirts, But Still From the Same Color Pallet." (enough said).
4) Scott--"The Angry Chef." Please refer to a few postings ago to learn about this spicy individual.
5) Peter--"The Cool Old Guy Who Can Whistle like a Bird." Peter is awesome, he has an uber thick Greek accent and he's nearly impossible to understand. He says things like "My teeth are not as sharp as they once were." And "Where's your boyfriend?" (As if he expects me to have this mysterious man tied to my apron strings, thus joining me at work). Peter is a favorite.
6) The Bussers--"A Collective Army of Under-Agers." These individuals pretty much don't have names at work. They get called "hey you...clean this table." I feel sad for them...having been such an underling...but they are mostly ignorant of their vastly low place on the feeding chain.
This pretty much covers most personality types at work, other then the servers, who are obviously the coolest and best tempered.
DISCLAIMER: if anyone from my work place happens to read this, please note I should not be fired for telling it like it is...and in such a humorous manner as well.