Becky and I toddled down to a movie last night and were totally scandalized by a man in the theatre. I recognize that I'm a loud person, I laugh loud, I talk loud, I am loud. Seeing as I'm aware of this I usually try to keep my smart ass movie comments to myself or at least to a whisper. Apparently, however, this whisper was not quite enough for the man sitting in front of us who turned around and said in a louder voice than even I'd dare in a theatre "YOU TWO MUST BE IN SPECIAL ED BECAUSE I SEE NO OTHER REASON WHY YOU'D COME TO A MOVIE AND TALK THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH." This caused a fit of hysteric laughter to come over me for a good 10 mins. then I actually thought about what he said and how many different groups of people he offended in that sencence.
1) the whole theatre: was he yelling at me? or was he yelling at the guy in the second last row? Most people probably took offense
2) People who go to movies and talk: this is a group some of you may pretend you're not in. But you are. So get offended with me
3) SPECIAL ED: HELLOOO!!! That was such a terrible thing to say! He could have easily gotten away with "you must be from the loud and obnoxious club" or "stinky pants shut it" but he dove right in with the special ed. Touche angry man, touche.