All things nonsensical

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Becky and I toddled down to a movie last night and were totally scandalized by a man in the theatre. I recognize that I'm a loud person, I laugh loud, I talk loud, I am loud. Seeing as I'm aware of this I usually try to keep my smart ass movie comments to myself or at least to a whisper. Apparently, however, this whisper was not quite enough for the man sitting in front of us who turned around and said in a louder voice than even I'd dare in a theatre "YOU TWO MUST BE IN SPECIAL ED BECAUSE I SEE NO OTHER REASON WHY YOU'D COME TO A MOVIE AND TALK THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH." This caused a fit of hysteric laughter to come over me for a good 10 mins. then I actually thought about what he said and how many different groups of people he offended in that sencence.

1) the whole theatre: was he yelling at me? or was he yelling at the guy in the second last row? Most people probably took offense
2) People who go to movies and talk: this is a group some of you may pretend you're not in. But you are. So get offended with me
3) SPECIAL ED: HELLOOO!!! That was such a terrible thing to say! He could have easily gotten away with "you must be from the loud and obnoxious club" or "stinky pants shut it" but he dove right in with the special ed. Touche angry man, touche.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Pregnancy parking

I stopped at the grocery store after work today, and I parked in one of those "expecting/new mothers" parking spots. Now I am neither expecing or a new mother, yet I parked there anyways. I feel as though this rates me as worse than those found spitting gum on the sidewalk, but a little better than parking in the handicap stalls. Either way I untucked my baggy work shirt and hunched over so I looked a little more pregnant and thus avoided the critical eyes of the elderly shoppers.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Violence amuses the amuseless.

The week from hell started two weeks ago (it's title is confusing I know but thats just how bad it is). Endless papers, 30% midterms, overschedualed at work, dirty litterbox, and parents threatening to visit me in this timeless schedual. I want to cry (and did...all by myself in the caf today). Such a pathetic sight. Seeing as this is a comical commentary on my life, you may be asking "where's the humor?" (that is if you don't find my random misery commical enough). They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and these CREEPY shots appear to be the only thing that are able to cheer me up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Challis is a big fat loser.

You ever look at some people in class sometimes and just feel sorry for them? Well today I was the pity child. You know that game in highschool they played where you split into groups and decide if one person had to die, who it would be? I felt lik the death girl who had nothing to contribute. The acutal situation was just that I had no partner for a group project and had to be assigned to one. But as if that wouldn't make anyone feel like a social outcast! The extra tragedy? Even Curt, the creepy old guy with long 80s rock hair had a group. Feel the burn.

This is why I advocate individual homework.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Obese Rat

I went to Edmonton this weekend to see Meghan and some friends. It was a blast 1) because Meghan is incessantly creepy and we laugh constantly around each other and 2) because I love to laugh/mock Edmontonians. Sapphire is the perfect example of the difference between a "true to itself" Canadian town (like Saskatoon where we go to cowboy bars and wear skate shoes) vs. a metro-obsessed town (like Edmonton). Sapphire is a martini bar in Edmonton (although you'd swear it was in Toronto) where the metrosexuals flourish and 8 sweet potato fries cost $6. All joking aside, it was very fun and I loved seeing everyone. The fun was not over once I left Edmonton, however. I just stepped into the door and Hillery tells me she has a surprise! I come up the stairs and look at her lap as she lifts her text book to reveal...A RAT!'s actually a kitten. But it really resembles an obese rat. It's pure white with a shit-esque splotch of grey on his head. The problem is that we can't think of an appropriate name, so any suggestions are welcomed. The other problem is that we now have three cats...

I am well on my way to being the crazy cat lady we all know i'll turn into.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Farm boys

Meghan and I were recently talking about getting a van and going on a "Cross country farm boy search," to which I replied "sort of like Terry Fox, only without the running...or the cancer." I'm horribly innapropriate at times--and we all love it.

Speaking of farm boys, if you like them you should probably check out the "not so desperate farm boys" situation going on HERE. The Edmonton radio station is constructing a calander of farm boys and you can vote your favorites into place. It's phenominal. (My favorite is farmer #37: Cole)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My new roomate is great. Why you ask? Because she sometimes puts boogers on her thumb and wiggles them at me until I notice. She also cleans alot. She also straightens me out when I say innapropriate things by saying stuff like, "one more comment about having sex with the cats and we're going to have to make the line a little more definate." But probably the best thing is the dance parties in her room. Our neighbours must hate us as we often pump up the tunes at 11pm and dance around spazilly (often with the "strobe light effect" of flicking the light switch on and off).

Monday, October 10, 2005

Clap away

This is what happened over thanksgiving with the Elkinks. We like to keep things real.
(NOTE: If you click on the picture, you can actually read what it says!)

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Becky's birthday was celebrated at the rodeo this year. And I must say it was fantastic. Really, you can't be entertained so well anywhere as at the rodeo. People getting speared by horns, flaunting supposed "animal cruelty" in the faces of the animal rights people, hot cowboys. What can I say other than "hell ya!"