All things nonsensical

Friday, April 29, 2005

Trash or Treasure?

Meghan came to visit me this weekend which has been so far, utterly wonderful. Full of eating, shopping, eating, sleeping, eating, watching TV, and eating. It has also been good to get over my HUGE sorrow at everyone leaving this summer, especially Amy. So Meghan and I went to a little antique store a block from my house that I've always meant to enter. It was fantastic. The building is brick, but covered in silver slabs (looking allot like tin foil), which clings to the form of the bricks underneath. Inside is like a treasure hunt one could only imagine. Boy scout books, mismatched china tea sets, blue glass bottles, old tools, black and white pictures, broaches, postcards, shoe making equipment, medalta pottery, 7-up posters, and ten wooden chairs that the owner put outside every morning (even in winter) and brings back in every night. Other than the pirate joy in my heart over finding such treasures, I was a little sad for the white haired owner behind the engraved silver till. While we hunted around he spoke about his trip to Regina because of health conditions, the ache in his leg, and his allergies towards penicillin. I thought "poor old man surrounded by the objects from his past, unable to let go of history, entombed in junk." I was wrong. He was delightful, enjoyed his life, and had a lovely smile on his face as we left. He also gave Meghan a great deal on three antique scoops! One for flour, one for sugar, and one for coffee. Delicious.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Put down the humidifier...

I've recently been apartment shopping as I'll soon be moving in with my cousin, Hillery. Becky and I drove past a new apartment building downtown that had a big yellow sign on it which read: "Apartments for Rent." It looked spiffy so we thought we'd check it out. We park and walk in, and notice something wrong. The apartment is too nice, it smells funny, and there are numerous older people sitting about in the lobby. Becky looks at me and says, "Challis? Is this....GASP!" that's right, I tried to rent a room in an retirement home. Don't get me wrong. I'm all over shuffleboard and cribbage, just not for another 50 years. Becky and I narrowly escaped death and made a quick get away (literally running out of the building) and peeled off in the Civic. Thus ended the Palisades Personal Care Home adventure.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I just searched "cantaloupe" on the blogger thing, and nothing came up! I cannot believe that no one has ever blogged on cantaloupe. It's so tastey!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Pastel balls

I went mini-golfing the other day. There was a big castle (where supposed gnomes lived), running water which was died blue, and pastel golf balls. So all together, it was a pretty sweet mini-golf course. There was also a lot of ball lofting occurring. So some girl playing behind us hits me in the leg with a wild ball (it was pink...pastel pink of course), so I figured I'd be kind. Picked it up, and gentle rolled it back to her/threw it at her head. To be fair, I'm known for having terrible aim, and not being able to catch anything. Yet I somehow managed to smack her RIGHT in her forehead. It made the "PHHINK" noise and bounced SOOOOOOOO far! Initially I was appalled, blushed, apologized. However, the comic noise, the fact that pastel had struck once again, and the gargantuous goose egg that had developed on her head by the end of the game was too much for me. I laugh. I laugh.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

of dreams and dogs deaths

I've decided to tell you my latest dream so you should all feel special. A bunch of us were driving around in my car and people started getting annoying. Stefan was there, he was the most annoying, so I kicked him out of my car and made him walk. Also Paul was there (which is kinda creepy as i've only met him once) he was doing drugs, cocaine to be exact, so i also kicked him out of my car.

Ben was not there saying "DONE" as that was Britts dream.

New ways to kill Spencer, the dog living upstairs.
#54) Get shot gun. Aim at ceiling. Shoot.
#55) Stab Spencer with a needle infected with HIV

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Colm's parents

Today I watched a young couple in Smitty's. The girl was wearing a baby pink shirt and it clung to the wee-one growing under it.

They sat
They read the newspaper
They drank their coffee...
...and they didn't say a word.

Her hair was in pigtails. His head was shaved, so his sunglasses continuously slipped of his scalp. I couldn't tell if they were unhappy or just quiet, and then they spoke.
He liked the names "Victor, Fred, and Rosco"
She liked the sound of "Zylon," but he questioned her ability to spell the name.
They both liked names starting with "C", epsecially "Colm."

His jeans are tattered. She's changed her mind about casual sex.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I woke up this morning to Def Leppard "Pour Some Sugar On Me." Not going to lie to you, i've had a smile on my face allllllllllllll day.

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah

Friday, April 15, 2005

Eeerie Child

At the office (tim hortons) today I sat beside an adorable little girl. I would say she looked about 2 and a half. She creeped me out quite a bit because she was speaking in full sentences, sounding moderatly like an adult...only she was tiny. She was really quite amazing (maybe 2 and a half is a normal age for people to start speaking, I don't know as i don't have kids, nor do my siblings... cough cough get on that cough). Anyways, I figure that she didn't pick this up from her mother, who spoke to her as if she were a puppy dog. Could we chalk her stellar speech paterns up to the TV? Curious indeed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Finals or simply the end?

It’s no lie. University students go crazy during finals. Especially the LAST finals of the year when its all springy outside and you just want to play frisbee. Unusual events that occur during finals:

1) Amy can be seen running through her house with her arms raised high above her head.
2) Banshee like screams can be heard occasionally in the library.
3) The "find a pseudo crush to entertain yourself between studying" phenomenon occurs.
4) You eat everything in sight.
5) Hysterical tears and laughter burst forth without warning.

To all of the fellow pain-ridden-students out there, I sympathize.

Monday, April 11, 2005


I showered with a spider this morning. He was small so I didn't drown him.

Also, I had a dream that I was engaged to Luke Wilson. Strangely I wasn't so much excited about getting married as going to the Bay to pick out china. Could anyone interpret this dream for me???

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Not a drug lord.

Tonight a bunch of us ended up at the Stereotrap concert which was fantastic. They also had a speaker half way through, I saw him walking down the isle with his gray hair to match his gray suit and what with my prejudices thought to myself "YAWN!" This man, however, was even more exhilarating then the band. He started telling us about how he broke out of prison at 16, became one of the top 7 criminals in Canada at the time, watched numerous friends of his killed, the rules of drug dealing, being wanted not only by the cops but also by other criminals, being put in prison again, finding Christ, and dedicating the rest of his life speaking to young people about what not to do. It was amazing and I could have listened to him for hours. What I learned?

1) It takes over 2 years to break out of a prison (when they were manually operated jail cells)
2) I should seriously reconsider my immediate prejudices
3) I'm so glad that I was given such great guidance in my life and found God early on so that my best friend hasn't tried to hire a hit man to kill me, I've never been to prison, and I've a full life to serve God outside the bars.

Those are my thoughts for the day

The OC again, Challis?

Lets be honest, I love the OC. Probably you do too even if you are a little ashamed to admit it. I even take quizzes about which OC character I am. I'm pretty pumped to be Seth, even if its a little creepy that that qualifies me as a boy...

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I know there are other hidden individuals out there awaiting to figure out which OCer they are...because i've had requests. So ENJOY! (and post who you in the comments because i want to know too!)

The OC Quiz

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Back and Raring to go!

oh the horror! Somehow the evil demons of computer life have eaten my old blog site! I know i know, many tears have been shed at the loss of so many nearly edibly wonderful blogs...mostly by the my pillow. However, as the warriors we are, we must carry on! Fight the good fight! Continue to mock socialism, cultural traditions, anything I don't like, and the overdogs (as i'm not one for kicking those who are already down). So no longer despair! Challis and her inappropriate random comments are back. Now lets go fish shooting!